

St.Peter's in the Vatican Basilica
The splendid square and colonnade, Bernini's finest work, form a superb entryway to the greatest church of Christendom, dominated by the magnificent Dome of Michelangelo. The construction of this basilica, plagued by numerous obstacles and problems,was carried out by Michelangelo, Giacomo della Porta and Domenico Fontana. The basilica rises over the foundations of a paleochristian Church, which, according to tradition, was built over the tomb of the Martyred Apostle Peter.

The Piazza Navona, or "Circo Agonale", occupies the spot where once stood the stadium of Domitian, which held up to 30.000 spectators. Here are three magnificient fountains. The one in the centre is the Fountain of the Four Rivers by Bernini. The church of S. Agnese in Agone, is built on the spot where, according to tradition, the virgin Agnese, denuded before her martyrdom, was mantled in her hair, which had grown miraculously to cover her. It is a magnificent Baroque building designed by G. Rainaldi and Borromini. Beneath it are some remains of the original church and of the Circus of Domitian.

The inscription on the architrave of the portico "M. Agrippa L. F. Cos tertium fecit" refers to a temple erected by Agrippa in 27 B.C. to the tutelary divinities of the Julia family. In reality Agrippa's building was destroyed by a great fire in A.D. 80. Recent studies have proven that the present Pantheon is a reconstruction of the temple from the time of Hadrian.
The interior measures 43,40 metres in diametre, and the same in height. Light and air still enter through the opening at the top (a circle of 8m. 92cms in diameter).

The original name for the Colosseo is the Anfiteatrum Flavium. It was built by emperor Vespasiano and inaugurated in 80 A.D.
In ancient times it was the site of the "Naumachie" or navy-battles, the "Munera" or gladiator-fights,and the "Venationes" or wild animal-hunts.It could hold up to 87.000 people.

The Roman Forum was the centre of the civic and economic life of Rome in the Republican era and kept its prominent role even in the Imperial age. The monumental complex lies between the Capitol, the Imperial Forums, the Colosseum and the Palatine.


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